Off the Yoga Mat
By Cheryl J. Fish
Livingston Press, The University of West Alabama, 2022
It’s 1999. Three characters living in NYC will turn 40 as Y2K looms. Nate, a stymied graduate student, delves into yoga. Nate's ex-girlfriend Nora finagles a position in Finland where she embraces sisu in pursuit of motherhood. And yogi Lulu, Nate’s talented teacher, yearns to get to the bottom of her nightmares of childhood abuse in New Orleans where she grew up.
OFF THE YOGA MAT explores jealousy, bends of the body, and the courage to confront traumatic memory. Cheryl J. Fish’s debut novel.
Debut novel, OFF THE YOGA MAT to be published by Livingston Press. PUB DATE 10/20/22.
Case Study: How I Published My Debut Novel Off the Yoga Mat on Authors Publish
I am writing about what happened to me, at the threshold of publishing my debut novel. After fifteen years, after realizing there are notable paths to publication that don’t require an agent, Off the Yoga Mat is coming out with Livingston Press of University of West Alabama, a small university press.
Review of Off The Yoga Mat In Mom Egg Review by Demisty Bellinger
Interview With Cheryl J. Fish About Off The Yoga Mat on Deborah Kalb’s Blog
Here is Cheryl reading an excerpt from the novel.
Excerpt from Off the Yoga Mat appearing in Boog City, Dec. 2021
More fiction by Cheryl J. Fish:
In the NEW VOICES anthology, Cheryl's flash fiction piece: “My Grandfather, a Refugee, Lined Up Outside the American Consulate in Marseilles”
Flash fiction, "Grade Book" published in CheapPopLit
Flash fiction story “Certifield B-Word” in Spank the Carp
Cheryl’s story received the most votes for “best” piece in this issue of Spank the Carp. Read an interview here about her writing process.